It’s what sailors have been training for. The Shelter Island Yacht Club Open C420 and Laser Invitational on July 21, one of the last regattas of the season for sailors to qualify for JSA Champs.
The regatta turned out to be a no-wind day. Windspeed averaged at two miles per hour, blowing from southwest with gusts up to 12 mph. Compared with previous years, this windspeed seems a lower average.
Race committee ran two races. In the C420 fleet, skippers Gideon Burnes Heath from Orient Yacht Club and Oscar Champigneulle from SIYC tied for first place, and Bridget Campbell from Larchmont Yacht Club won second.
In the Laser Standard fleet, Richard O’Leary from American Yacht Club won first place, Henri Champigneulle from SIYC won second and Hunter Stump from Southampton Yacht Club won third.
Finally, in the Laser Radial fleet, Nicholas Chisari from Sea Cliff Yacht Club won first place, Lindsay Powers from AYC won second and William O’Leary from AYC won third.
See full results here.